Dropout rates higher among Arabs
Photo: AP
The lifespan of Israeli
Jews is four years longer than that of Arabs, a new report revealed Wednesday. The report was composed by the SIKUI organization which monitors the situation of Arabs within Israel vis a vis their civil and human rights.
The report, which presents the past year’s data, displayed a somber picture, indicating that not only has no improvement been made, but some of the gaps between the two populations have grown.
Despite it All
Reuven Weiss
Study conducted by Harvard University reveals Israeli Arabs would rather live in Jewish state than in any other country in world
For instance, the gaps in infant mortality rates are significant showing that in 2007, 8 Arab babies died for every 1,000 births and amongst the Jews, 4 babies died for every 1,000 born.
The report also showed that 65.7% of Arab children live under the poverty line while 31.4% of Jewish children do. Moreover, “The country’s welfare investment in Jewish citizens is NIS 508 ($160) on average as opposed to 348 shekel ($110) on Arabs,” the report said.
One gap that became smaller was in the realm of education. The gap in those eligible to take the matriculation exam reduced and also that in the percentage of dropouts.
However, a large gap still exists between the two populations in graduation percentages. Eight percent of Arab students do not graduate while only four percent of the Jewish population never completes high school studies.
The only variable showing an advantage for the Arab population as compared to the Jewish one is home ownership. While 93% of Arabs own a home, only 70.5% of Jews own their residence. Nonetheless, the amount of Jewish people per room in Israeli houses is 0.85% while Arabs per room stands at 1.42%
A Sikui worker strengthened the organization’s views on the inequality they believe exists in the country. “In the year 2008, the Jewish population in Israel has a higher standard of living than that of the Arab population, despite the fact that the Israeli governments declared that they are committed to equality between Jewish and Arab citizens alike. “
On Thursday, the Israel Government Action in the Arab Sector committee is going to meet to discuss various issues. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is to speak at the end of the meeting.