
;One of Satan's soldiers'

A fatwa against Mickey Mouse

Saudi sheikh slams Disney icon as 'a soldier of Satan,' says 'impure corrupter' must be killed according to Islamic law

Maybe Islamic cleric Muhammad Al-Munajid is just more of a Bugs Bunny sort of guy?

In an interview with Al-Majd Television the sheikh, a former diplomat who once served in the Saudi

embassy in Washington, condemned cartoons that endear rodents to their viewers.


Islamic law, he said, sees the mouse as "a repulsive, corrupting creature" while children today see mice as loveable and "awesome" because of animated shows like Tom and Jerry, and Disney staple Mickey Mouse.


"Mickey Mouse has become an awesome character, even though according to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases," Al-Munajid tells the interviewer.


"The shari'a refers to the mouse as 'little corrupter,' and says it is permissible to kill it in all cases. It says that mice set fire to the house, and are steered by Satan. The mouse is one of Satan's soldiers," he goes on to say.


In August the cleric, well known for issuing creative fatwas, slammed the Beijing Olympics as the "bikini Olympics," referring to them as "satanic."


פרסום ראשון: 09.16.08, 17:27
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