
Professor Sternhell – sustained light wounds

Message on rightist website: We'll target senior leftist figure

Police looking into messages on rightist forum vowing to attack senior political figure

The Jerusalem police are looking into messages posted on a rightist website that contain threats against leftist activists. Some of the messages were posted before the explosion that targeted leftist Professor Ze'ev Sternhell at his home.


One of the posts in question reads: "On Sept. 25, 2008, we, members of the real rightist organization, are about to embark on a revenge campaign in the form of a senior leftist political figure. Anyone interested in joining is requested to send me a private message, rather than a public message on the forum."


However, at this time it is unclear whether this post was written before the attack on Professor Sternhell.


Some of the posts were signed by a person calling himself "Aharon," but police officials say they are unfamiliar with someone by that name or with a group called "the real rightist organization."


Police investigators learned about the posts following the pipe bomb attack at Sternhell's home.


The explosive device was placed outside Sternhell's home and exploded at night, while he was locking his front door. The professor sustained light leg injuries. Police officials suspect that the motive for the attack was "ideological" and are cooperating with the Shin Bet in the investigation.


After scouring the home's vicinity following the attack, police found a leaflet offering a financial reward for anyone who kills a member of leftist group Peace Now.


Anat Shalev contributed to the story. The initial report was received via Red Mail


פרסום ראשון: 09.27.08, 21:35
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