West Bank checkpoint (Archive)
Photo: AFP
IDF soldiers on Monday detained a Palestinians that attempted to smuggle a pipe bomb through a checkpoint outside of the West Bank city of Jenin.
The explosive device was found during a search of the Palestinian's belongings at the Taysir checkpoint, southeast of Jenin. The bomb was detonated in controlled surroundings and the Palestinian was transferred to security forces for questioning.
Recently two 20 kg roadside charges, which security forces claim were intended for terror attacks, were exposed during a joint IDF and Shin Bet operation in Qabatiya, south of Jenin. A terror cell comprised of four wanted men was detained during the operation for possession of the explosive devices.
Two weeks ago IDF soldiers detained a youth caught with a pipe bomb at Hawara checkpoint. The young man, who arrived from Nablus, roused the suspicion of the troops and they searched his bag, exposing the bomb.