
Rallies in Tel Aviv
Photo: Yaron Brener

Gaza op rallies in Tel Aviv

MK Erdan: protestors show sane majority supports Gaza op; anti-war rally held at Rabin Square

A week after the launch of operation "Cast Lead" in the Gaza Strip, both supporters and objectors are holding separate rallies in Tel Aviv.


About 300 people arrived at the city's King David Boulevard in order to express their support for the IDF operation. Participants were chanting slogans in favor of eliminating Hamas and held signs reading "Let the IDF win" and "We've had enough, eliminate Hamas."


Members of Likud's young guard also arrived at the protest in order to offer their support to the IDF.


Likud Knesset Member Gilad Erden, who was also present at the rally said "the High Court of Justice was wrong when, in the midst of a war, it permitted the waving of an enemy flag in the center of the country."


"The hundreds of people that arrived at the counter-protest prove that the sane majority supports the obliteration of Hamas in Gaza," he said. A short while later, police detained four right-wing activists at rally.


Meanwhile, hundreds of people arrived at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv in order to pretest against the Gaza war. The protesters were marching in the streets and carrying flags reading "Stop the fire" and "Children in Gaza and Sderot wish to live."


Amnon Meranda contributed to the story


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