
Nasrallah: All parties the same
Photo: AFP

Nasrallah: Israeli elections show honesty

Hizbullah chief says all leaders but Lieberman have lost Lebanon wars, warns he will get air defenses

Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah said Monday that the results of the recent Israeli elections and the bolstered right-wing emerging from them correctly reflect the nation's image.


"There is no difference between Labor, Likud, and Kadima," Nasrallah said. "Regarding the attitude towards the Palestinians and Arabs, all Zionist parties are the same."


Nasrallah's speech was shown during an anniversary ceremony for the assassination of the organization's former military commander, Imad Mugniyah.


He said the right-wing victory reflected the position of most Israelis. "The Israelis are more honest, more real, and more transparent regarding their opinions now than during the time of the parties that used to cheat Arabs and the world," he said.


The Hizbullah leader added that among the Israeli leaders who took part in the recent elections, Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman is "the only one who has yet to lose (a war) in Lebanon."


Nasrallah also called on the Arab world to support the "resistance" and said that "every time the Arabs made gestures for peace the Israeli side responded with aggression and war." He warned that any future government that sought war in Lebanon would "receive a lesson from the students of Imad Mugniyah".


The Hizbullah chief claimed that Israel was continuing to invade Lebanese air space and said, "The Lebanese resistance has a right to obtain arms in order to deal with these violations."


"The Israelis only have aerial superiority left, and we admit this and are preparing for it. The Israelis know that when we obtain aerial weapons the balance of power will change. We have the courage to use these weapons and this is what worries Israel," he said.


"The Israelis feared a ground war in the Gaza Strip and used only aerial blows. The Palestinian resistance fought with honor and pushed back the Israelis."


Two weeks ago Nasrallah accused Israel of holding the remains of 350 Palestinian and Lebanese gunmen. He called on the Lebanese government to take responsibility for the bodies' return to their families.


"We consider them missing people and place the responsibility squarely on Israel," he said. "This subject remains open-ended."


Regarding Israel's offensive in Gaza Nasrallah said that the IDF had lost the battle. "What happened in Gaza is a military and political failure for Israel," he said. "Some Israelis are attempting – out of consideration for the elections – to fool the people."


פרסום ראשון: 02.16.09, 20:34
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