
Photo: Seya Egozy
Taba border crossing - Israelis urged to leave at once
Photo: Seya Egozy

Anti-terror bureau: Immediate terror threat in Sinai

Counter-Terrorism Bureau issues unusually harsh warning, urges Israelis in Sinai to leave Egypt immediately in light of 'substantive intelligence information' about serious abduction plot

Unusually harsh warning: The Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued a dramatic travel warning to Israelis currently in Sinai, urging them to leave the Egyptian peninsula immediately.


According to the warning, issued Tuesday evening, an immediate terror attack aimed at abducting Israeli nationals is expected to take place, based on substantive intelligence information.


Israelis in Sinai (Photo: Guy Tsabary)


The Anti-Terror Bureau urged all Israelis in Sinai at this time to leave the area immediately and return to Israel at once. The families of Israelis currently in Sinai have been asked to contact their relatives immediately and inform them of the unusual warning.


Ynet learned that dozens of Israelis are vacationing in Sinai at this time, despite previous travel advisories issued by the anti-terror bureau in respect to a "grave threat of abducting Israelis."


Officials at the Airport Authority, which is in charge of security at all Israeli border crossings, said that Passover saw a rise of 36% in travelers passing through the Taba Crossing compared to the same period last year. Overall, a total of 68,835 people passed through the crossing during the holiday.


The last terror attack in Sinai that claimed Israeli lives took place in October 2004, when terrorists targeted the Hilton hotel in Taba as well as a beach in Ras al-Satan. The attacks killed 12 Israelis and wounded dozens of others.


In an advisory issued about two months ago, the Counter-Terrorism Bureau characterized the threat in Sinai as "concrete and very high."


"In light of this grave and immediate threat, the Counter-Terrorism Bureau urges all Israelis to leave Sinai immediately and without delay," the advisory said.


פרסום ראשון: 04.13.10, 19:57
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