
The Emanuels in Jerusalem
Photo: Shmulik Grossman

J'lem: Right-wing activists call Emanuel 'anti-Semite'

White House chief of staff's family arrives in capital's Old City to celebrate son's Bar Mitzva, while right-wing activists clash with police

The entourage of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel arrived at the Hurva Synagogue area in Jerusalem's Old City on Thursday to be met with "anti-Semite" calls by right-wing activists. Later on Thursday Emanuel is scheduled to celebrate his son's Bar Mitzva in the capital.


Large security forces surrounded Emanuel and his family, preventing extreme right-wing activist Itamar Ben-Gvir from approaching him. Ben-Gvir and other activists cried out slanderous slogans against Emanuel and US President Barack Obama. Police forces eventually grabbed Ben-Gvir and pressed him to the ground.


Right-wing activists arrived at the Western Wall square on Thursday morning and waited for Emanuel.


Police warned Ben-Gvir he would be arrested should he verbally attack Emanuel. "I have a right to protest against anyone who wants to give away the Western Wall and incites against Israel. I shall file suit against each and very officer," Ben-Gvir responded.


On Wednesday Emanuel met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and said we received a warm welcome in Israel. The two joked during a joint press conference.


Emanuel's visit in Israel has sparked protest mainly due to rumors claiming he is behind Obama's hard-line policy towards Israel.  


פרסום ראשון: 05.27.10, 11:33
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