
Pisgat Ze'ev
Photo: AFP

US official slams Israeli right wing

Though Obama administration has not commented on homes to be built in Pisgat Ze'ev, official blames Right for attempt to complicate peace talks

WASHINGTON – An official US source told Ynet Tuesday that the construction of 32 new housing units in Pisgat Ze'ev, Jerusalem land conquered in 1967, was another attempt by the Israeli Right to complicate peace talks.


A week after the latest meeting between US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Obama administration refrained from bringing up the subject of the newly-announced construction.


But a US source commented on the matter, saying, "We recognize that Jerusalem is a deeply important issue to Israelis and Palestinians, to Jews, Muslims, and Christians everywhere. And we believe it is possible to reach an outcome that both realizes the aspirations of all parties for Jerusalem, and safeguards its status for the future."


Meanwhile, the renewal of home demolitions also sparked condemnation throughout the world. The European Commission said the move would undermine negotiations with the Palestinians.


EC President José Manuel Barroso expressed his concern at recent developments in the capital during a press conference in Brussels with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.


Barroso said he was "concerned", and that both settlement construction and the demolitions were violations of international law. Fayyad added that the construction in Pisgat Ze'ev was inconsistent with the two-state solution.


The 32 homes are part of a larger project, which outlines 220 homes to be built near the Palestinian neighborhood of Hizma. An additional 48 homes are scheduled to be approved by the Jerusalem district planning committee next week.


פרסום ראשון: 07.13.10, 21:21
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