Amendment set aside. Kashrut certificate (archives)
Photo: Gabi Menashe

RCE rabbis. 'Important message'
Photo: Meir Dahan
The Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE) has expressed its appreciation that an amendment to the European Union’s food labeling laws was set aside by the European Council of Ministers which met Tuesday.
“However, the battle is not won, the new draft will return to the European Parliament for a second reading in 2011. And we must be vigilant to prevent this amendment from eventually passing.
“It is vitally important that the ministers sent a clear message that this amendment is problematic and discriminatory,” said Rabbi Arye Goldberg, deputy director of the RCE.
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“There is still a long road ahead and while we have won the battle we have not yet won the war. This type of labeling would create a major blow for European Jewry if passed.”
Last June, the European Parliament voted in support of Amendment 205, which called for all meat products that undergo shechita, or Jewish ritual slaughter, to be labeled “meat from slaughter without stunning.”
The new draft will return to the European Parliament for a second reading in 2011 when Amendment 205 could be reintroduced.
“We will continue to work on ensuring that the Jews in Europe will continue to maintain our religious practices without discrimination or any other difficulties,” Rabbi Goldberg said.
The RCE is an organization dedicated to meeting the needs of Jewish communities in Europe.
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