
Construction in Gilo (archives)
Photo: Reuters

Report: Gilo construction project awaits approval

Jerusalem planning committee to review plan for 1,400 flats in neighborhood. Leftist council member: Someone in government thinks Obama weak

A plan to build 1,400 housing units in Jerusalem's Gilo neighborhood will be presented to the city's planning and construction committee next week, Ynet reported Sunday.


If approved, the construction plan will be presented to a regional committee for approval.


City Council member Meir Margalit of the Meretz faction told Ynet the plan to build on land seized by Israel during the 1967 war constitutes a "confirmed kill of the peace process.


"Israel's attitude in the beginning of 2011 is worrying. We started the year aggressively with home demolitions, the Shepherd Hotel affair and now this. It seems as though someone in the government thinks (US President Barack) Obama is weak and that now is the time to promote such provocative plans," he said. "I hope this will wake up the Americans."


The Jerusalem Municipality said the housing plan is funded by private entrepreneurs and promoted by the Jerusalem Development Authority. "The City of Jerusalem continues to advance housing projects for both Arabs and Jews. New construction is vital for the city's development and for giving youngsters and students an opportunity to rent or purchase apartments," according to the municipality.


About a year ago the regional committee for planning and construction approved a motion to expand Gilo and south Jerusalem and build 900 new housing units in the neighborhood.


The construction project drew heavy criticism from Washington and left-wing organizations.


Gilo was built on land that was seized during the Six Day War and later annexed to Jerusalem. The neighborhood was a frequent target of Palestinians during the second intifada.



פרסום ראשון: 01.16.11, 09:45
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