MK Wilf. Under attack
Photo: Avigail Uzi
Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, head of the Zomet Institute dedicated to merging Halachic Judaism with modern life, has launched a scathing attack on a Knesset Member of the Independence faction
over her marriage to a non-Jewish man.
"I hereby call for a boycott of all of her public activities in these fields, as a clear negative character, being married to a German who is not Jewish (and I believe hasn't acquired citizenship either)," the rabbi wrote in an article published in a Shabbat leaflet.
He made his statement following reports that Wilf would be appointed chairwoman of the Knesset's Education Committee.
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"This call is not religious (there are more serious offenses) or nationalistic (there are greater 'national traitors' than her), or even social (there are MKs who present a poorer personal example). I just can't comprehend having an MK with a mixed marriage."
But the rabbi's attack did not end there. "I know there are MKs who are not Jewish – Muslim and Druze for example," he continued. "I won't be surprised – and I won't be able to object – if an immigrant from the former Soviet Union declares that he is the Knesset representative of the sector of immigrants who have yet to convert or who seek to maintain their foreign community as loyal citizens."
The rabbi added that he acknowledged the fact that he was forced to live alongside a large foreign minority, who are offspring of the Jewish people.
"But a Knesset member in a mixed marriage, for no reason, is more than I can tolerate," he said. "Especially when they have the nerve to declare Israeli 'independence' or claim the chairmanship of the Education or Immigration committees."
MK Wilf said in response, "I was happy to read in Rabbi Rosen's letter than he himself recognizes the fact that there are worse offenses than marrying a gentile and that there are greater national traitors than me."
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