"We are facing a political tsunami most of the public isn't unaware of," Defense Minister Ehud Barak said during a speech at the International Security Studies Institute in Tel Aviv on Sunday.
"There is an international movement which will recognize a Palestinian state on 1967 borders. It would be wrong to ignore this tsunami," Barak said. According to the defense minister, this is scheduled to happen before September.
"Israel's de-legitimization is in sight. It's very dangerous and requires action," Barak stated. He warned against an attempt to push Israel into the same corner South Africa once occupied.
"A political initiative will minimize the chances along the way. We have not tried to put all core issues on the table in the past two years. Israel must say it is ready to discuss security borders, refugees and Jerusalem and it will get a chance. If it fails, responsibility will be placed on the other side."
Barak reiterated his call to Tzipi Livni and Kadima to join the government and said elections will not help Israel in the current state. "One must choose what's good for Israel, not what’s popular," Barak said. "We must all overcome personal or political egos and act as one. The needed strategy is a political initiative with security guarantees. "
Israel is an island of stability, Barak said referring to recent Arab unrest. "I don’t think we face an immediate threat of conflict with the Egyptians," he estimated. "The peace treaty is very important to Egypt and its army. We may see Sinai less controlled which may cause moderate trouble."
Barak said the public must understand Israel can find itself alone. "Those who can't defend themselves get no favors."
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