
Ben-Yosef Livnat
Photo: Curtesy of The Shomron Settlers' Committee

Livnat: My nephew murdered by terrorists masked as policemen

Funeral procession for Joseph Tomb shooting victim Ben-Yosef Livnat underway. His aunt, Minister Limor Livnat eulogized him, saying he was murdered 'for no more reason than his wish to pray, he was innocent'

Just hours after the lethal shooting at Joseph's Tomb Sunday, the funeral procession of Ben-Yosef Livnat who was killed by Palestinian police fire, was underway. The procession began at Livnat's parent's home in the settlement of Elon Moreh before continuing on to Jerusalem where Livnat will be buried at the Mount Olives Cemetery.


Livnat (24) is survived by his wife and four children.


Sports and Culture Minister Limor Livnat, who is Ben-Yosef's aunt, eulogized the victim saying: "My brother's son was murdered by a terrorist masked as a Palestinian police officer, for no more reason than his wish to pray, he was innocent."


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One of the initial leads in the investigation is that Livnat was part of a group of 15 Breslov Hassidim who  failed to coordinate their arrival at the Tomb with the necessary authorities, and were subsequently shot by Palestinian police officers.


In the haredi neighborhood of Beit Yisrael where the deceased lived, neighbors were stunned as they spoke of a humble man who stood out for his willingness to help all his friends. "He was a very special man," said one neighbor.


Livnat was critically injured in the incident, his death was declared by MDA paramedics at the scene. Five other people were wounded in the shooting.


The Yesha Council issued the following statement: "This morning's murder by Palestinian police officers cannot be tolerated. Of the recent murder of Jews was the result of incitement by the Palestinian Authority, then this is a murder committed by the PA itself, just like in the days of Arafat."


Palestinian sources reported local Palestinian youths gathered around the Tomb's compound shortly after the incident and set it on fire. A group of Palestinian youngsters rolled burning tires into the Tomb's plaza, which was renovated only a few months ago. Security forces put out the fire.


Omri Ephraim contributed to this report



פרסום ראשון: 04.24.11, 13:22
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