
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Photo: Gil Yohanan

PM: We can't stop UN recognition of Palestinian state

Netanyahu says 'General Assembly can also adopt resolution that world is flat.' Notes Israel 'willing to make progress with Palestinians, but only in a responsible manner – otherwise we'll fall off the cliff'

"No one can stop the United Nations General Assembly from recognizing the Palestinian state in September," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on said Monday.


Speaking before the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, the prime minister noted that "the UN can also adopt a resolution that the world is flat."


However, Netanyahu stressed that the UN will not be able to recognize the Palestinian state as a member of the United Nations without a recommendation from the Security Council, "and such an attempt is destined for failure," he said.


"We have no way of stopping the General Assembly from adopting a resolution. We expect to receive the support of only a small number of members," the prime minister added.


Referring to the recent unity pact signed between Fatah and Hamas, Netanyahu noted that he does not foresee Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas implementing the reconciliation agreement with Hamas.


'We must stop beating ourselves'

"We are willing to make progress with the Palestinians, but only in a responsible manner – otherwise we'll fall off the cliff. You cannot keep saying that my government has done nothing. The Palestinians are the ones who moved aside from the very beginning, regardless of what we did," he noted.


'Leopard should change its spots.' Netanyahu (Photo: Gil Yohanan)


"We must stop beating ourselves," Netanyahu claimed, "If the leopard changes its spots, we'll agree to open a dialogue with it. We cannot escape the fact that Abu Mazen (Abbas) refuses to publicly recognize the Jewish State. This is the root of the conflict."


Also on Monday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said at an Independence party meeting that "it is important to prepare for the tsunami of September."


According to Barak, "the complexity of September has not disappeared. We have more power when we are united. We need internal unity, and we'll be stronger if we cross our hands together," he said.



פרסום ראשון: 05.30.11, 16:12
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