
Photo: AP

IDF commander charged with sexual harassment

Indictment filed against Military Police training base commander over sexist remarks he directed at female officers. Lt. Col. Oren Julian dismissed, claims he's being conspired against

A senior IDF officer in the Military Police Corps is being charged with an indecent act and seven counts of sexual harassment, Ynet learned. Lieutenant-Colonel Oren Julian, commander of the Military Police's training base and former Prison 4 commander, has been dismissed and will soon face trial.


His actions were first reported late last year during a base inspection when female officers complained of his dirty language.



Julian was then ordered to take a leave of absence and was later decommissioned. The officer's attorneys claim two female officers conspired against him because they were not promoted.

Military prison. Ex-commander decommissioned (Photo: Elad Gershgoren)


According to the indictment, Julian pinched the bottom of a high-ranking female officer and made various sexist remarks to others. In one instance, it is alleged he told a woman officer "your breasts have gotten smaller" and in another he remarked on the 'authenticity' of an NCO's breasts: "They can't be real."


He is also charged with conduct unbecoming. According to the indictment, Julian said of his secretary that "her ass got bigger" and told another "look what an ass you've got, how did you get so fat."


Meanwhile, many of Julian's fellow officers in the Military Police Corps were shocked to hear of the indictment. "He is one of the best officers in the corps. I'm inclined to believe his version," one officer said.


Lt. Col. Julian's attorney Shlomi Tzipori said in response: "We have no doubt the decision to file an indictment is wrong. We intend to exhaust all legal measures to convince the military prosecution to withdraw the charges." 



פרסום ראשון: 05.31.11, 09:45
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