
Evacuation of Ramat Migron (Archives)
Photo: AP

Outpost razed; settlers clash with police

Three buildings at illegal outpost Ramat Migron demolished; two girls arrested for throwing paint bottle at police

Civil Administration forces razed on Wednesday morning three structures at the West Bank outpost of Ramat Migron - a settlement that has been demolished several times in the past.


Settlers clashed with the security forces that accompanied the Civil Administration team. Some arrests were made.



Police arrived on the scene and cordoned off the entrance to the settlement, declaring the area a closed military zone. Despite the forces' efforts, dozens of settlers were alerted to the outpost. Two teenage girls were arrested after refusing to descend from one of the structures' roofs. The teens are also suspected throwing a paint bottle at the police.


Six settlers were arrested in February for clashing with security forces during the last evacuation of the outpost. Some threw stones at security officers and tried to block their way.


The settlement was previously demolished – and consequently rebuilt by settlers – in November of 2009 and in January and October of 2010.


MK Yaakov Katz (National Union) said in the beginning of June that the Defense Ministry has ordered two permanent structures in the outpost to be razed.


Over the past year the state has avoided demolishing permanent buildings at settlements, but continued to raze temporary structures like the ones recently destroyed in the outpost of Alei Ayin.



פרסום ראשון: 06.29.11, 12:32
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