
Steinitz. 'A disaster for the State of Israel'
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Likud activists want Steinitz fired

On backdrop of growing social protest, group of ruling party members trying to convince PM Netanyahu to replace his finance minister

Growing social protest taking its toll: On the backdrop of an initiative to convene the Likud Central Committee to discuss the socioeconomic situation, a group of party activists are demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu replace his finance minister.



Yanai Braz, a Likud member from Petah Tikva, has begun pressuring Knesset members to convince the prime minister to oust Yuval Steinitz. Braz has been holding talks with dozens of activists and lawmakers over the past few days.


"Steinitz is a disaster for the State of Israel," Braz told Ynet. "He must be replaced. He doesn't understand economy. We need someone with knowledge in business administration.


"Bibi and Steinitz are detached from the people. They don't understand what the middle class is going through. Rich people have the stock exchange and the capital market. The middle class has nothing. The banks won't let us save. I want the finance minister replaced."


Braz said that the group of activists from Petah Tikva was united in its demand to replace Steinitz, but organized campaign headquarters have yet to be established to promote the move.



פרסום ראשון: 07.29.11, 08:18
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