
Avigdor Lieberman
Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg

FM: PA planning unprecedented violence

Avigdor Lieberman says violence and bloodshed in September will be on a scale that has yet to have been seen here

Huge marches, violence and bloodshed come September? Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday that the Palestinian Authority was planning an unprecedented wave of violence for September, when the Palestinians plan on submitting their unilateral UN bid for statehood.


Speaking to reporters at the Knesset, the foreign minister added that, "As far as I am concerned, a (UN) decision must result in severing of all ties with the Palestinian Authority. You cannot hold contacts on one hand while on the other seek to prosecute defense officials in The Hague. There is a saying in Yiddish – "Es Geit nisht' – it doesn’t fit together. I will demand it in every forum – to cut all ties."



Despite PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' pledge to hold a non-violent struggle, Lieberman estimated that the "PA is planning violence and bloodshed on a scale that has yet to have been seen here. The more they talk about their wish to operate in the diplomatic arena, the more I see preparations for violence and bloodshed.


"When you prepare a demonstration in which tens of thousands will storm the Kalandia checkpoint, you can just imagine what would happen if 30 or 40 thousand people try to forcefully enter Israel. How are soldiers and officers supposed to react?" he wondered.


Lieberman's concerns contradict an internal Knesset report that shows Israel doesn't anticipate violence in September, but it still proposes reserve soldiers be called up just in case.


The report, based on Israeli intelligence assessments, was drafted for parliament's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. An official disclosed main points to reporters. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the material.


According to the assessment, Palestinians believe violence would be counterproductive and will stage peaceful demonstrations instead.



פרסום ראשון: 08.07.11, 16:26
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