
Campaign poster

Likud activists: Boycott Netanyahu

Party's rightist camp launches campaign calling voters to boycott primaries in protest of prime minister's intention to evacuate Migron outpost

Activists affiliated with the Likud party's rightist camp urged faction members to boycott the primaries in protest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's intention to evacuate Migron outpost.


Netanyahu on Sunday called on the residents of the illegal West Bank outpost Migron to accept a compromise offer by which permanent structures would be relocated to State-owned land, while the evacuated land would be turned over to the Civil Administration.


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However, members of the Likud party's National Headquarters expressed dissatisfaction with the compromise, claiming the prime minister was thwarting a vote on the "outpost bill" at the Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs.


The bill is meant to regulate the status of outposts build on private Palestinian land that has not been claimed for four years.


כרזת המטה הלאומי בליכוד נגד הצבעה בפריימריז

'Voted for Bibi? Demolished Migron.' Campaign poster


"This is a blow to democracy, because there is a majority in the committee that supports the bill, and because the prime minister discriminatorily approved 60,000 illegal Bedouin homes in the Negev and hundreds of apartments for Arabs in Lod in his current term in office," the activists wrote in a petition.


"Unfortunately, Netanyahu has been acting in contradiction with the values of the Likud movement, while giving Ehud Barak a free hand in implementing policies against the Jews settling in their country. This is not the policies of the Likud and the national camp."


The petition stated that "in the current primaries, Netanyahu is an irrelevant candidate whose ideology we do not share. We, the heads of the Likud National Headquarters urge you to preserve the democracy within the faction and strengthen the values of the Likud, and not participate in this farce, whose results are known in advance."


Natan Engelsman, one of the founders of the Likud National Headquarters said: "Unfortunately, the situation became unbearable. The only way to influence is to stay at home. We urge Likud voters that want a democratic, lively party to skip the next elections. Netanyahu will be elected in any case, but at least our message will be heard load and clear."






פרסום ראשון: 01.22.12, 22:59
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