New Delhi terror attack
Photo: AFP
Security officials are looking into the possibility that bombs used in the recent spate of terror attacks
against Israeli targets
worldwide were produced in the same Tehran lab and smuggled out of Iran
via diplomatic mail.
Notably, diplomatic mail items are exempt from security screening and x-raying, thereby making it easier for Iranian terror masters to provide perpetrators with explosive devices.
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Iran's elite al-Quds force, which is affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards, is believed to be behind the recent bombings in New Delhi and Bangkok, as well as the foiled attack in Tbilisi, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Thursday.
Israeli officials say the global terror offensive in fact started several months ago and includes numerous terror operations, most of them foiled by security forces worldwide before materializing. The instructions to carry out the attacks are believed to have arrived directly from Tehran and to have received the blessing of Iran’s top leaders.
Israel warns Iran
Iran’s willingness to assume such risks and generate friction with other states attests to the huge pressure faced by Tehran and its difficulty in coping with economic sanctions, the assassination of nuclear scientists, and the American threat to operate in the Hormuz Straits, officials said.
Initial probes show that the Iranians are aiming to carry out attacks at any price and are trying to identify Israeli vulnerabilities. As Israel’s ambassadors enjoy a high level of security, Iranian terrorists are believed to be setting their sights on low-level diplomats and the spouses of Israeli envoys.
Meanwhile, sources in Israel estimate that the global terror offensive will continue. Officials have decided to adopt a series of precautionary measures, including the reinforcement of security arrangements at Israeli embassies, issuing requests for local authorities to boost security, and instructing Israeli diplomats to change their routine activities.
Moreover, Israel has been conveying explicit warnings to Tehran, warning Iran that Jerusalem will not remain idle in the face of the Iranian terror offensive.
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