
Akiva and Anhel Shmuli
Photo: Adi Orani
Religious Zionism leader Rabbi Shlomo Aviner
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin

Rabbi: Participation in reality TV show violates Jewish law

Religious Zionism leader slams religious couple who took part in Israel's 'Amazing Race 2' for taking part in reality show. Aviner: It isn't modest

Did religious couple from Israel 's "Amazing Race 2" violate Jewish law? Religious Zionism leader Rabbi Shlomo Aviner is arguing that Akiva and Anhel Shmuli's participation in a popular reality TV show goes against Jewish values and may be considered a violation of Jewish law.


"Not only is it not a mitzvah, but it's a violation to travel abroad," Rabbi Aviner said. "The exposure in itself isn't modest. A man must be modest and humble; he shouldn't have a video camera follow him and see what he does."


"We're not that modest, and sometimes we take pride and behave in such a certain way as to make an impression. We're not okay and may God have mercy on us," the rabbi said. "But here we see a man who invited the television crews on purpose and they follow him and his every move...that's the opposite of being modest." 

עקיבא וענהאל. שימשו דוגמה או לא?  (צילום: ג'קי יעקב)

Akiva and Anhel Shmuli (Photo: Jackie Yaakov)


The rabbi also told his followers that because immodest people participate in such reality shows, competing in the show it helps it stay on the air and promote it. He therefore referred to participants as "aiding in committing an offence." 


"People tell me: 'It'll show how gifted and nice the religious people are and encourage (people) to repent,'" Aviner said. "But first of all, nobody asked to turn anybody religious. And second of all, you should repent first."



פרסום ראשון: 02.21.12, 07:09
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