
Photo: Hanan Greenberg
Arresting deserters (archive)
Photo: Hanan Greenberg
Military Police
Photo: Dudu Azulay

IDF nabs 474 deserters, draft dodgers in 6 days

In less than a week, Military Police reduces number of deserters, draft dodgers by 14.5%. Some 200 turn themselves in

The Military Police arrested 474 people in the course of six days in Israel's largest ever manhunt of deserters and draft dodgers.


The IDF's Manpower Directorate dubbed the operation a success. Of the 474, 218 deserters and 62 draft dodgers were arrested, and the rest turned themselves in. The number of deserters has been reduced by 14.5% and now stands at 2,410. The number of draft dodgers stands at 1,739.


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The operation involved dozens of Military Police soldiers and saw three instances in which they were attacked.


The majority of the detainees (75%) have already been charged. Out of the 1,800 listed draft dodgers, 650 are women; and out of 2,500 of deserters, 800 are women.


Out of all deserters and draft dodgers, 60% reside in Central Israel; 20% in the north and 20% in the south.


Those charged will have the offence entered into their criminal records and are facing several weeks of detention. Most of the detainees are active duty soldiers and will be required to resume their service after serving their time in jail.


"The operation was made possible due to a reform in prisons as dozens of spots were cleared," a senior Military Police official said. He explained the many prisoners were released several days early to make room for the new detainees.




פרסום ראשון: 05.18.12, 14:16
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