
Yaakov Peri
Photo: Ofer Amram
Benjamin Netanyahu
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Former Shin Bet chief warns of bi-national state

Yaakov Peri says political deadlock could open door for terror wave or new intifada. 'This is the end of Zionism,' he says

Former Shin Bet chief Yaakov Peri is warning that deadlocked peace talks could open the door for a new intifada or a terror wave. Speaking at a cultural event in Kfar Saba on Saturday, Peri criticized the government's policy: "We’re dealing with fateful issues in Israel, the peace process is deadlocked and we're heading rapidly towards a bi-national state. This is the end of Zionism, we need new leadership."


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Peri also addressed the Harpaz affair and the recent publication of the State Comptroller's protocols, stating that "neither side is completely innocent."


Referring to the migrant problem he said, "The Egyptian government is not handling the infiltrators. We are seeing Sinai turning into a terror hub, al-Qaeda's headquarters."


Peri joins a long line of former senior officials who have leveled harsh criticism against the Netanyahu administration, including outgoing Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin and ex-Mossad director Meir Dagan.


"This government has no interest in talking to the Palestinians, period. Let alone resolving anything with them, this is certain," Diskin said. "The prime minister knows that if he takes a step in that direction then his power and strong coalition will crumble. Therein lies the Palestinians' frustration."




פרסום ראשון: 06.09.12, 17:43
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