After five years of a freeze on construction, the government now intends to resume work on erection of the security fence in the area of Gush Etzion and afterward also the Jerusalem perimeter. How will the world react this time? Time will tell.
The security fence is supposed to extend over 760 kilometers. Building began in 2002. Until now some hundreds of kilometers have been erected, but the work was frozen by the government around five years ago.
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The government claims that building the fence was frozen because of budget problems, but various parties claim that petitions filed in court by various bodies and international pressure – caused the freeze.
In a discussion in court on Wednesday on this issue Colonel Ofer Hindi, head of the administration responsible for erecting the fence, said that the government intends to resume the building in the area of Gush Etzion in coming weeks, and afterward – it seems around 2013 – in the area of Ma’aleh Adumim.
Various parties assessed that the move will once again elicit harsh criticism from the world and an additional wave of petitions to the court in an attempt to prevent resumption of the work.
Hindi also said in the court hearing that despite the relative quiet in Jerusalem, the fence outlines in Ma’aleh Adumim are of a clear security necessity. The court stated in the past that Israel can in principle erect the security fence as a security precaution aimed to prevent the entry of terrorists and other attackers.
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