Photo: AP
אולימפיאדת לונדון 2012 ביג בן לפיד אולימפי
Photo: AP

London haredi takes part In Olympic Torch relay

Efrayim Goldstain becomes one of 187 Londoners to carry Olympic Torch as it arrives in British capital

Ultra-Orthodox Efrayim (22) was one of 187 people to carry the Olympic Torch as it arrived in the British capital this week, ahead of the 2012 Olympic Games.


Goldstain, who serves on London’s Shomrim Patrol, donned the official Olympic Torch bearers' uniform – the same as the other 8,000 torch bearers.



He was, however, only one to receive an official Olympic yarmulke, Jewish online magazine reported.


  • For full coverage of the London Games click here


Goldstein described the experience as "really, really special."




פרסום ראשון: 07.26.12, 11:46
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