
Ahmed Saadat in court, Sunday
Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg

Terror mastermind: I don't recognize Israeli court

PFLP leader Ahmed Saadat, man behind murder of Minister Rehavam Zeevi, refuses to answer questions during court hearing on terror victims' private lawsuit against Palestinian Authority

Ahmed Saadat, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the person behind the murder of Minister Rehavam Zeevi, said Sunday that he does not recognize the authority of the Israeli court.


Saadat spoke while entering the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court for international proceedings in a private lawsuit filed against him by terror victims.


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Saadat also flashed the V sign with his hand and added that "the Shalit deal was a good one, although I was not released. I'm not worried about my release."


The terror mastermind was brought to the courthouse as part of a trial being held for the past decade in regards to the Palestinian Authority's responsibility for terror attacks carried out by his organization.


The trial, which began in Washington in 2002, is now at the evidence stage. The terror victims' main claim is that the PA provided the PFLP with means and funds and backed its activity during the terror attacks.


The $900 million lawsuit ($300 million in compensation and $600 million for "additional damage") was filed by the Shatsky family, which lost its 14-year-old daughter Keren in a 2002 terror attack in Karnei Shomron.


At first, the PA ignored the lawsuit, but later began defending itself.


Saadat was met at the courthouse by his wife, son and daughter-in-law, who arrived with his three-month-old granddaughter who he had yet to meet.


"We don't recognize this court," his wife said. "All prisoners must be released."


Saadat's daughter-in-law, Amal, said that the family members were recently allowed to meet with him for the first time in four years. "He hasn't left prison for a long time, and this is the first time his granddaughter will see him. We are very excited."


Saadat refused to answer questions during the court hearing, claiming that he does not recognize the court's authority.



פרסום ראשון: 09.09.12, 13:37
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