
Photo: Ido Erez
The rally
Photo: Ido Erez

30,000 attend Prophet protest in Umm al-Fahm

Scores attend Northern Islamic Movement rally held in northern Israeli city in protest of film mocking Islam

Some 30,000 people attended a Northern Islamic Movement rally held in Umm al-Fahm, in northern Israel, in protest of the film mocking Prophet Mohammed.


The film, titled "Innocence of Muslin," has sparked Muslim riots worldwide. The violence has so far claimed the lives of over 30 people, including US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other American diplomats.


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Head of the Islamic Movement, Sheikh Raed Salah, attended the rally, as did other Arab leaders.


Protested hoisted banners condemning the film, and chanted: "We will sacrifice our blood and soul for the Prophet Mohammed."


Islamic Movement Spokesman attorney Zahy Nujeidat told the crowd: "We will protect the Prophet Mohammed until our last breath."


"צוחק מי שצוחק אחרון". 30 אלף מוסלמים למען מוחמד (צילום: עידו ארז)

The rally (Photo: Ido Erez)


High Arab Monitoring Committee Chairman Mohammad Zeidan added: "Any person that offends the Prophet must be punished. Such people are scum and they are worthless. This is happening because the world feels that Islam is expanding. We will be victorious."


MK Talab El-Sana (United Arab List-Ta'al), who attended the rally, said that," the Prophet Mohammed brought a message of reform to the world and to humanity. What has the United States brought? The annihilation of the Indians, turning Africans into slaves and using atomic bombs against the citizens of Japan.


"We are not surprised that they are trying to target Islam," he said.



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פרסום ראשון: 09.22.12, 08:25
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