
Photo: Jackie Jaakov
Bar Refaeli. Seeking world peace
Photo: Jackie Jaakov

Facebook group: Boycott Bar Refaeli

Supermodel angers Israeli followers by tweeting that she is praying 'for the safety of citizens on both sides and for the day we will live in peace and harmony'

A new Facebook group is calling on the Israeli public to boycott the "Cinderella" show starring Bar Refaeli, following a controversial tweet posted by the supermodel during the Israeli operation in Gaza.


"I pray for the safety of citizens on both sides and for the day we will live in peace and harmony. Amen," Refaeli wrote on her Twitter page.


Israeli followers, disappointed by the supermodel's call for world peace, chose to slam and tease her on the social networks.


Israeli celebrities rushed to attack or defend Refaeli. Rapper Yoav Eliasi, commonly known as "The Shadow," wrote on Facebook: "With all due respect to your beautiful buttocks and boobs, which you proudly present and represent on the cover of every magazine around the world, perhaps you could also represent your people (Israel is not the US, in case you've forgotten). Stop trying to appear sensitive and humane; you just come out looking like a phony and a hypocrite."


Meanwhile, journalist Dana Spector tweeted: "I'm concerned about this stupid attack on Bar Refaeli. Like a mob looking for someone to hate."


Refaeli, who disappointed many by renouncing her role as Israel's patriotic ambassador, posted another tweet on Monday, writing: "Good morning. I'm still trying to focus on what is important, supporting the residents of the south and our brave soldiers! And, God forbid, still praying for the wellbeing of innocent civilians."


But the angry followers did not let go, opening a Facebook group calling for a boycott on Refaeli's Hanukkah show, "Cinderella."


Amir Ziv, the page's initiator, wrote: "While millions of people from your homeland have been sitting in bomb shelters for a week, suffering from shock and filled with horror, you thought it right to express solidarity with both sides. Yes, including the terrorists on the other side.


"Because all you care about is your business and public relations around the world, you chose to ingratiate yourself to all your potential future clients and tell them how all sides are miserable in this conflict and just how good world peace is.


"As a person whose voice is heard in several places around the world, it would have been appropriate for you to support the southern residents and your people, who are in a state of war, and stop – at least at this time – operating your PR machine…


"As you are a person who only looks after her own interests, and only cares about her livelihood, I have decided to remove my share in your bank account and cancel the tickets I bought for your 'Cinderella' show, because with my penny and a half I would rather support the artists who sing and perform for free in southern bomb shelters every day…"


In the meantime, a dialogue appears to have developed and not everyone seems to share the same opinion on the model's role. One user wrote, "Friends, I think you're taking this too far. Bar Refaeli prefers the life of civilians over generals' wars. Don't we all?"



פרסום ראשון: 11.23.12, 15:32
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