
IDF reservists go home after Gaza op
Photo: Reuters

Islamic Jihad gets hands on IDF documents

Palestinian terror group releases documents including personal details of dozens of Israeli soldiers. 'Maybe one of the soldiers in my reserves unit uploaded list onto Google Docs,' IDF soldier says

A day after the IDF confirmed that Islamic Jihad sent text messages to thousands of reserve soldiers during Operation Pillar of Defense, several Palestinian media outlets released seven documents that, according to the terror group, include personal and confidential details of more than 100 Israeli soldiers.


The published documents include the soldiers' full names, army ID numbers, their roles (such as "medic" or "sniper"), cell phone numbers and dates of birth.


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Additional documents published by Islamic Jihad's armed wing, which were translated into Arabic, belong to a certain IDF division and include details on a grenade launching training course and a farewell tour in honor of former Home Front Defense Minister Matan Vilnai.


הג'יהאד מאחוריך: הרשימה שפורסמה בכלי התקשורת הפלסטיניים

List published by Palestinian media outlets


According to Islamic Jihad, the documents were drafted in 2012. The terror group said the documents were obtained by its intelligence division.


Roi, one of the soldiers whose details appear in the documents, told Ynet that the details were accurate. "Maybe one of the soldiers in my reserves unit uploaded the list onto Google Docs. You need a code to enter, but it is easy to decipher," he said.


הפתעה בנייד. SMS שהתקבל מהג'יהאד האיסלאמי (צילום: לירון אלוני)

Text message sent to IDF soldiers by Islamic Jihad (Photo: Liron Aloni)


Another soldier whose details were revealed said jokingly: "I've met with a number of Islamic Jihad men during my army service, but I never disclosed my personal details to them.


"I don't even have a Facebook account or anything else that could have helped them reach me. It's very bizarre," he said.


On Sunday the IDF's Information Security branch said that during Operation Pillar of Defense Islamic Jihad sent thousands of threatening messages to soldiers after reservists posted their phone numbers online.


The messages said, "We will turn Gaza into your graveyard and (burn) Tel Aviv."


You can contact Elior Levy, Ynet's Palestinian Affairs Correspondent, at: [email protected]



פרסום ראשון: 11.26.12, 21:46
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