
UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie
Photo: AFP

Angelina Jolie visits Syrian refugees in Jordan

UNHCR envoy and actress visits refugee camp on Jordan-Syria border, urges all parties in conflict to allow civilians safe passage

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie travelled to the Jordan-Syria border on Thursday to meet Syrian refugees who had just completed the perilous journey to safety in Jordan and are settling in at the Za'atri camp.


"What I saw last night is a dramatic example of the plight of hundreds of thousands of Syrians who have been uprooted by the fighting and are in a desperate search for safety," Jolie said. "Civilians inside the country are being targeted. Many of those trying to flee are exposed to extreme danger right up to the border itself.


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"I appeal to all sides in the conflict to do all they can to ensure the safe passage of these innocent civilians."


Angelina Jolie at refugee camp (Video: Reuters)    (צילום: רויטרס)

Angelina Jolie at refugee camp (Video: Reuters)


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 קוד להטמעה:

Since Jolie's last visit in September, the number of refugees in the region has increased by more than 200,000. The Za'atri refugee camp alone has doubled in size, USA Today reported Friday.

פעם שנייה בשלושה חודשים. ג'ולי בביקור בירדן, אתמול (צילום: רויטרס) 

Jolie on Thursday (Photo: Reuters)


"מחפשים את הבטיחות בצורה נואשת" (צילום: AFP) 

'Civilians are being targeted.' Jolie (Photo: AFP)


Nearly half a million Syrians fleeing intensified fighting have been registered in neighboring countries since the conflict began. Hundreds of thousands more are unregistered.


Angelina Jolie and her partner, Brad Pitt, have donated $50,000 dollars for the purchase of tents for the refugees.




פרסום ראשון: 12.07.12, 18:36
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