
Photo: AFP
Iranian ships in Sudan
Photo: AFP

Italy thwarts weapons smuggling with Israel's help

Rockets destined for Egypt found in containers in Port of Naples

Italian authorities have thwarted a weapons smuggling attempt involving rocket launchers in the Port of Naples, the Italian news agency ANSA reported Saturday. One Egyptian citizen was arrested.


According to the report, Israeli authorities provided Italian security forces with information on the containers that carried the weapons which were destined for Egypt.


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Italian forces closed a section of the port in order to examine the containers.


The smuggling of weapons into Gaza often passes through Egypt and Sudan.


Last October, Sudan accused Israel of bombing a weapons factory in Khartoum which had reportedly manufactured Iranian long-range missiles.


More recently, it was reported that two Iranian warships docked in Port Sudan on Saturday, marking the second port call by the Iranian navy in Sudan in five weeks.


The Sudanese military said it was a "normal" port call but Israeli officials have expressed concern about arms smuggling through Sudan.


Sudanese army spokesman Sawarmi Khaled Saad had initially announced the warship visit for November 30.


"It is part of diplomatic and military exchanges between the two countries," and will last for three days, he told reporters on Friday night.




פרסום ראשון: 12.09.12, 00:26
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