
American intellectual Leon Wieseltier

Historians, scientists win Israeli prize

US intellectual Leon Wieseltier, French philosopher Michel Serres, UK historian Sir Geoffrey Lloyd among recipients of 2013 Dan David Prize

American intellectual Leon Wieseltier, French philosopher Michel Serres and British historian Sir Geoffrey Lloyd are among the winners of this year's prestigious Dan David Prize.


The Dan David Foundation grants the $1 million prizes in three categories –

past, present and future – for scientific, technological and cultural accomplishments.


The prize, named after the late philanthropist Dan David, is administered from Tel Aviv University.


Other winners are the economist Esther Duflo and Alfred Sommer, a prominent American ophthalmologist and epidemiologist.


Previous recipients include filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen, former US Vice President Al Gore and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.



פרסום ראשון: 02.18.13, 06:56
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