Some 60 African infiltrators held at the Saharoim Prison launched a protest Sunday and are refusing to return to their cells. They are apparently protesting the protocol of movement between wings.
The Prison Service said that matters are under control and that thus far there has been no need to exercise force in order to coerce the detainees to return to their cells.
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The incident began when the detainees were asked to return to their cells on Sunday evening. They refused and stayed in the wing. The guards then began to negotiate with them. As of yet, they continue to resist the order.
MKs tour Saharonim Prison (Archive photo: Ilana Curiel)
Since June, hundreds of infiltrators and asylum seekers were jailed in a number of facilities under the infiltration prevention law.
Interior Minister Eli Yishai had declared he intends to see 15,000 infiltrators arrested but the State Prosecutor's Office revealed that no decision had been made on the matter.
In January 2012, the Knesset approved amendments into the infiltration prevention law which went into effect in June.
They allow immediate arrest of all infiltrators who can be held in custody without charge or trial for a period of three or more years.
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