Though invited to attend Knesset deliberations on women's issues, in light of International Women's Day observed Friday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to arrive at the plenum, to the dismay of many.
"The prime minister was invited by 74 Knesset members to attend Knesset deliberations marking the International Women's Day," said MK Merav Michaeli in her speech to the plenum, "so we would have the opportunity to inform him of what needs to be done to fix existing problems and to promote equality, and also to hear from him how he sees things, but he apparently did not find the issue important enough to make time for. I guess half the population is just not important enough for him.
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"Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised after he chose to back and continue to work with a man who was expelled from public service for offending women (referring to Natan Eshel), or due to the fact that in spite of his government being the biggest in Israeli history ,he nominated barely three women out of 30 ministers."
Michaeli added that she would like to address the men MKs in a language that they would understand, citing "equal share of the burden," by saying that according to a 2010 UN report, though women comprise of half the world's population and are responsible for two-thirds of the world's working hours, they hold a mere 1% of the assets.
No comment was issued by the Prime Minister's Office regarding Netanyahu's absence.
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