
Deported mother, son to return to Israel

Supreme Court rules two be granted return after they were deported seven months ago when court decided boy should join his Polish mother though he was born in Israel to Israeli father

The Supreme Court ruled this week that 10-year-old Daniel Michalik and his mother Anna, who were deported from Israel to Poland some seven months ago, can return to Israel.


With the approval of the Interior Ministry, Anna and Daniel will be granted a year's visa, after which the State will look into extending their stay.


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The mother, a Polish national, arrived in Israel in 1989. Her eight-year-old son was born in Israel and had never left the country before the deportation.


ניסיון אחרון למנוע את הגירוש. ההפגנה מול בית השר סער, אמש (צילום: דניאל פרנק)

Protesting deportation (Archive: Daniel Frank)


In December 2012, the Supreme Court decided to deport the mother and son although the legal proceedings in their case were not completed at the time.


Yael Katz Mastbaum, representing the Michaliks, said that in the early 2000s the mother was having an affair with a married Israeli man and the two had a son together. The father would not contact his son and attempted to get the mother and son deported.


Though he is an Israeli citizen, the boy was deported along with his mother, seeing as he had no relationship with his father and the court determined that he should stay with his mother.


An appeal on their behalf was filed some two weeks ago, while both mother and son were in Poland. In the appeal, Katz Mastbaum argued that the boy met conditions laid out by the State regarding the children of illegal workers, thus allowing him to stay in the country.


The attorney added that the fact that the boy's father is an Israeli citizen cannot be a hindrance in this regard, blocking his status and leading to his deportation. "All his friends are here; he was born here. It doesn’t make any sense that this boy will not be granted his rights."


During the appeal, the judges suggested that the Interior Ministry allow the mother and son to return to Israel under humanitarian conditions, regardless of the boy's Israeli roots.


Following the judges' bid, the Interior Ministry granted the Michaliks' return to Israel, expected to take place within the next few weeks.


"She was very excited," Katz Mastbaum said of the mother. "The Supreme Court has served justice."


Omri Efraim contributed to this report



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