
Aussie vote won't fall on Yom Kippur

Australian Jewish population relieved at news that national elections have been rescheduled for September 7, avoiding conflict with Jewish holy day

VIDEO – Australia’s Jewish population is breathing a sigh of relief with the news that the national elections have been scheduled for September 7, which will avoid a conflict with the holiday Yom Kippur.


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In January, then-Prime Minister Julia Gillard set the vote for September 17, which would have forced strict Jews to choose between obeying national law obliging all citizens to vote, and religious law banning almost all civil activities on Yom Kippur.


Day one of the campaign saw Labor leader Kevin Rudd promising extra help for jobs and more money for schools, and a $178 million assistance package for the country's struggling car industry.


Rudd’s opponent, Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott, repeated promises to repeal a controversial carbon tax.


Both parties launched similar campaign television adverts promising voters a "new way" and "real solutions for all Australians."


More than 100,000 Jews live in Australia.



פרסום ראשון: 08.07.13, 07:37
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