
Prison Service authorizes Katsav's first leave

Former president serving 7-year rape sentence, will be allowed his first furlough

For the first time since December 2011 when he began serving his jail sentence for rape, former President Moshe Katsav will be allowed out on furlough, having served a quarter of his seven year sentence. He will begin his leave on September 9.


Any inmate who serves a quarter of his sentence is eligible to take his first leave, followed by regular leaves every three weeks. Sex offenders are ususally only allowed leaves if they have confessed and regretted their actions, and went through intended workshops.


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In certain cases, the professional opinion of a mental health institution is needed, in order to determine the level of risk the inmate poses. Katsav has not been through any evaluations or confessed to his actions, as far as is known.


Katsav's seven year sentence began in December 2011, for two counts of rape, forceful indecent acts, sexual harassment, and obstruction of justice. A month earlier, the Supreme Court rejected the appeal Katsav had submitted.


Katsav has already been out of prison before, in May 2012, to participate in his son's wedding. On that occassion, he was given special furlough for eight and a half hours. A few months later, despite not showing remorse or taking responsibility for his deeds, Katsav submitted a clemency request to president Shimon Peres.



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