
Israel pushes for additional 1,500 units in Ramat Shlomo

Hours after Palestinian prisoners' release, Interior Ministry announces plans to add housing units in Jerusalem neighborhood, establish national park in Mount Scopus

Israel announced plans on Wednesday to build hundreds of new settlement homes, hours after it released a group of Palestinian prisoners from its jails.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Interior Minister Gideon Sa'ar recently agreed to advance four construction plans in different parts of Jerusalem. One of the plans will see an additional 1,500 housing units built in the city's Ramat Shlomo neighborhood.


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It was also agreed to advance the establishment of a tourist and archeological center near the City of David and a national park on the eastern side of the Hebrew University campus in Mount Scopus.


The Housing Ministry, however, said it was not aware of these specific plans.


Palestinians celebrate prisoner release in Ramallah (Photo: Reuters)
Palestinians celebrate prisoner release in Ramallah (Photo: Reuters)


On Tuesday night, Israel released 26 Palestinian prisoners and moved them to the West Bank and Gaza, as part of peace talks.


The prisoners who arrived in Ramallah were welcomed by some 2,000 people, including Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who vowed to continue his efforts to ensure that all prisoners are released, and that he will not sign any agreement with Israel until all prisoners are released.


"There will not be an agreement with Israel even if one prisoner remains behind bars," he said.



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פרסום ראשון: 10.30.13, 09:05
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