
Army Radio soldier attacked in Jaffa

Suspected teen punches soldier on her way from radio station to parking lot. Motive behind event still unclear

A 20-year-old soldier serving in the Army Radio (Galatz) was attacked Friday evening outside the radio station in the heart of Jaffa. According to the soldier's testimony, an unknown man hit her in the face.


Magen David Adom emergency services evacuated the soldier in light condition to Edith Wolfson Medical Center in Holon.


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Police arrested a 16-year-old boy, resident of Jaffa, on suspicion of being involved in the event.


The soldier serves as a producer in the Army Radio. She left the station at 8 pm on a bicycle towards a parking lot where her car was parked when she was approached by an unknown man, who for an unkown reason punched her face.


The soldier screamed for help, and passersby immediately called MDA. The medical crew treated the soldier at the scene. Shortly after, police forces spotted the suspected teen and took him to questioning. The motive behind the attack is still unknown.



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