In a Tuesday interview with state TV marking his first 100 days in office, Rohani said that some countries had tried to isolate Iran but instead, "Now, our enemies are isolated."
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He did not refer to Israel by name, but used language – "an illegitimate, occupier regime" – commonly used to describe the Israel, Iran's arch-enemy.
"Everyone is happy about this deal" except for "warmongers and that regime, which is an illegitimate one that occupies," Rohani said.
"There are some in the world who do not want this issue to be resolved, and there may even be some in this country who are acting childish," the Iranian president added, in a jab at Iranian hardliners who have been skeptical of the deal.
The deal, Rohani said, had already created a "positive atmosphere" in the Iranian economy, which is enduring a crisis "unprecedented in 50 years."
Israel has repeatedly criticized the deal and called it a "historic mistake."
The six-month bargain includes greater access for UN inspectors to Iran and a cap on the level of uranium enrichment.
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