
Palestinian NGO: Israel turning blind eye to settler violence

According to Ramallah-based group, acts of 'destruction, denial of access to property' towards Palestinians are left unpunished by State. NGO calls on world not to fund settlements-affiliated sources

Israel is failing to penalize Jewish settlers for attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank who enjoy "virtual impunity" from prosecution, Ramallah-based rights group Al-Haq said on Wednesday.


In a 40-page report, Palestinian Al-Haq also called on the international community to avoid funding settler groups, a day after Israel and the European Union reached a compromise deal over funding for bodies operating in the occupied West Bank or east Jerusalem.


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Settlers carrying out attacks, which involve the use of "live ammunition" and "the destruction and denial of access to property" have been left unpunished by the Israeli authorities, Al-Haq charged.


"Settlers involved in the planning and perpetration of such acts have remained largely immune from the enforcement of the law and, in some cases, have even benefited from official support from state authorities," it said.


"Israeli settlers enjoy virtual impunity for crimes against Palestinians, and benefit from the protection of Israeli domestic laws."


The Palestinian report was referring specifically to so-called "price tag" attacks, a name for hate crimes by Jewish extremists which often involve vandalism and in some cases physical injury.


Price tag, archives (Photo: Alaqsa Foundation News)
Price tag, archives (Photo: Alaqsa Foundation News)

Price tag attacks "facilitate the transfer of Palestinians off their land to make way for the construction of settlements," Al-Haq said.


The report also called on the international community not to fund any organizations or individuals associated with Israeli settlements.


EU-Israel rollercoaster

The report was published a day after the EU and Israel found a compromise which would allow the Jewish state to participate in a key European-funded scientific research program.


Israel had objected to new EU guidelines which will affect all grants, prizes and funding from 2014 onwards, with none made available to projects in Jewish settlements.


The guidelines angered Israel because it would have to recognize in writing that the settlements are not part of the Jewish state in any future EU agreements.


The compromise will see the EU adding a clause determining that research money will not serve institutions over the 1967 Green Line, while Israel will pen a clause saying it does not recognize the new EU guidelines.



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