
A Patriot missile battery stationed near Haifa.

Report: Syrian rebels offer to sell Golan to Israel in return for military aid

According to Al-Arab newspaper, Syrian opposition willing to give Israel the Golan Heights. In return, Israel will use its air defense to enforce a no-fly zone over southern Syria.

As the civil war in Syria marks the end of its third year on Saturday, bizarre reports surface in the Arab media.


In a report in Al-Arab newspaper, quoted by Iranian news agency Fars on Saturday, a member of the Syrian opposition coalition is quoted as saying the rebels were willing to sell the Golan Heights to Israel in return for military aid against President Bashar Assad's army.


"Why shouldn’t we be able to sell the Golan Heights because it is better than losing Syria and Golan at once," Kamal Al-Labvani told the Arab newspaper, according to Fars.


The opposition wants to use Israel's air defense systems, including American-made surface-to-air Patriot missiles, to enforce a no-fly zone over southern parts of Syria in order to prevent Assad's air force of bombarding rebel strongholds.


פרסום ראשון: 03.15.14, 17:55
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