
Photo: EPA
Wounded Nakba protester carried away
Photo: EPA

Ramallah hospital: Nakba protesters killed by live fire

Medical report says live rounds pierced protestes, contradicting IDF claims that rubber bullets were used.

Contrary to IDF claims that rubber bullets were the cause of death for two Palestinians killed during Nakba Day protests, recent official reports from the Ramallah hospital, where they were admitted, claim that Muhammad Abu Thahr (22), and Nadim Nuwara (17) were killed by live fire.



The medical documents from the government-run hospital in Ramallah are signed by Dr. Samir Salib, head of the hospital's Intensive Care Unit, where the two guys were admitted along with a third wounded protester.


One of the wounded protesters carried away during Nakba Day protests. (Photo: EPA) (Photo: EPA)
One of the wounded protesters carried away during Nakba Day protests. (Photo: EPA)


According to the documents, Thahr's body had wounds from both the entrance and exit of a live bullet. The bullet reportedly entered Thahr's chest and spun down towards his stomach, puncturing his liver and causing severe bleeding. He was rushed to the hospital where he died within minutes of arriving in the operation room.


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The third wounded protester, Muhammad Aza, was reportedly hit in the chest by a bullet that punctured his left lung.


Palestinian medical report.
Palestinian medical report.


"There is no doubt that a live round hit the bodies of these three," Dr. Salib told Ynet. "Just the massive damage that the bullet created in their bodies, like the entrance and exit wounds of one, proves that these were wounds from live fire."


Dr. Salib rejected the claims that they were hit with rubber bullets which, according to him, "don't cause this kind of damage. Rubber bullets could break bones, but they can't enter a body and cause such damage."


In light of the reports, the IDF announced that an investigation into the shooting would be launched.


פרסום ראשון: 05.18.14, 00:21
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