
Photo: AP
An apparent Israeli listening device.
Photo: AP

Reports: Israeli intelligence device explodes in Lebanon

Lebanese media reports listening device blown up near Sidon killing Hezbollah militant; Israeli UAV possibly hit device after being found.

Official Lebanese media reported Friday afternoon that an Israeli intelligence device was destroyed Friday in the town of Aadloun, near the city of Sidon. According to the report, the device was buried in a park and Hezbollah operatives acted to destroy it.



In another Lebanese news website, al-Nashra, reports indicated that it was in fact an Israeli UAV that blew up the device after it was discovered earlier in the morning.


Some reports say that Hezbollah militants found and destroyed the claimed Israeli device. (Photo: AP) (Photo: AP)
Some reports say that Hezbollah militants found and destroyed the claimed Israeli device. (Photo: AP)


According to all the reports from Lebanon, a Hezbollah operative, Hassan Haider, was killed in the explosion and another was wounded by the blast.


The Lebanese Army released a statement saying that, "At 3:45pm a Lebanese Army intelligence patrol found an unidentified object near the village of Aadloun. When the patrol tried to reveal the nature of the object, Israel remotely detonated it, causing the death of a citizen who was nearby. The blast area was closed off for security and an investigation has been launched into the event."


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Over the last several years, Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army have claimed to have uncovered Israeli spy devices in southern Lebanon.


In October, Lebanese media sources reported that an eagle had been captured with Israeli spy equipment attached to its body. The report said that such devices had been found on animals previously in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.


פרסום ראשון: 09.05.14, 18:54
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