The show is comprised of 20 short sketches about daily occurrences, sometimes quite ordinary situations, but the great writing, acting, dancing, and comedic timing gives the audience something different, unexpected, and refreshing.
The indie theatre group is comprised of nine versatile members who met 12 years ago at Israel’s top acting studio, Nissan Nativ, and have been collaborating ever since. Together they have written, directed, designed, choreographed, and produced countless innovative theatrical experiences. With their accessible, universal material, they have developed a loyal fan base of all ages from around the world.
The creators craft an evening of hilarious fun and imaginative entertainment that transcends all boundaries – language, culture, and humor.
They say humor is cultural; it fits to the area from which you come. In Tziporela’s case, like other great comedians, the humor is universal. The nine members of the ensemble inventively weave together movement, music, physical theatre, and outrageous comedy.
Tziporela includes Gal Friedman, Lotus Etrog, Efrat Aviv, Omri Doron, Ben Perry, Tamara Klingon, Dana Ivgy, Tomer Nahir Petluk, Dudu Golan, Naama Amit and Danny Isserles.
"Odd Birdz," Tziporela's fourth production so far, will begin its US performances on Tuesday, October 14, with an opening night set for Thursday, October 16, at The Players Theatre at 115 MacDougal Street, New York City. The production is scheduled to play for five weeks through Wednesday, November 19, 2014.
Tickets range from $45-$65 for and may be purchased here: .