ישראל קליפורניה משבר מים נהר סקרמנטוקרטיס שמוט, אנדי דוד, פרופ' אילון אדר,
Photo: Israeli Consulate California
Israeli knowhow will help California better cope with the devastating outcome the severe draught plaguing the West coast behemoth, which is said to have cost to the state's economy at least $2.2 billion and left 500,000 acres fallow.
According to reports, California is the source for more than 50 percent of US fruit, vegetables and nuts, and almost 90 percent of America's strawberries, olives, broccoli, nectarines and garlic are grown there. The agriculture industry has suffered a deadly blow as a result of the current drought, which prompted the state to declare a state of emergency last January. Now Israel will try to alleviate some of the damage the dry spell has caused.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and California Governor Jerry Brown signed a strategic cooperation agreement as part of which Israel, a world leader in the field of water, would help out the drying state.
Prof. Eilon Adar, a world expert in groundwater flow systems, will work to help the state work out solutions to the issue. Prof. Adar visited San Fransico and Silicon Valley, touring salination plants in northern California, and participating in a state-wide conference in which a slew of possibly technological solutions were presented.
"If we managed to overcome the water issues in the Middle East, we can do it anywhere in the world," Prof. Adar said. "Nonetheless, (to address the issue) they will need to improve the management and efficiency of the water market and increase and optimize the coordination between the water companies."
"We are pushing ahead with the water issue and branding Israel as part of the solution, an ally with the knowhow whom can come to help in a time of need," said Andy David, Israel's consul to California.