
Photo: IDF spokesperson
Captain Or Cohen
Photo: IDF spokesperson

Israel Navy gets its first woman commander

Captain Or Cohen to become deputy commander of Dvora patrol boat; 'My life’s dream is coming true', says Cohen.

The Israel Navy is about to get its first-ever woman commander of a vessel, with the promotion of Captain Or Cohen to deputy chief of a Dvora patrol boat.




Cohen, who is currently serving as navigation officer on a missile boat, is awaiting confirmation of her promotion after the Navy's commander, Maj.-Gen. Ram Rothberg, gave his go-ahead Thursday to begin the process for the graduate of the Israeli Naval Academy.


Once her promotion is confirmed, Captain Cohen will begin a professional training process.


Captain Or Cohen (Photo: IDF spokesperson)
Captain Or Cohen (Photo: IDF spokesperson)


In her role as deputy on the Dvora, which patrols along the Gaza and Lebanon coasts, Cohen will command the ship and manage operations, and could eventually command a missile boat.


“The navy made the decision as part of a policy to promote and integrate women on its ships and in meaningful command positions,” said Rothberg. The decision to begin the process of confirmation was based on Cohen’s professional and personal abilities.


“The process was based on professional considerations in light of her quality performance as officer on a missile boat,” said the head of the Navy's manpower division, Colonel Michal Teshuva.


Cohen fought in Operation Protective Edge, and participated in the mission that intercepted the Klos C cargo ship that was smuggling advanced weaponry from Iran to Gaza.


“My life’s dream is coming true,” she said. “I’m very excited and I'm grateful for the opportunity and the trust the senior command has in me.


"As an IDF officer, I believe in the integration of women into meaningful combat roles and I'm glad that I’ve been given the chance to have influence.”



פרסום ראשון: 11.27.14, 23:17
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