There is something very despairing in the free world's war against global jihad and the terrorism it produces. We should pay close attention particularly to France, a country that has turned into a terror victim and does not shy from making blunt statements about it, including a rare recognition that this is a "war of civilizations." Normally, European leaders are afraid of even uttering this factual truth. Not in France, though. They stress there, and rightly so, that this isn't a war against Muslims, but against jihad. And they don't try to hide it.
The problem is that France says one thing and does the complete opposite. The most important of the boats that attempted to reach the Gaza Strip this week was the Marianne. All of the useful idiots were on it. The boat sailed with the aid of the French NGO Platform for Palestine (Plateforme des ONG françaises pour la Palestine). Practically all of the organizations under this umbrella are a part of the BDS campaign against Israel.
This platform, as the umbrella organization, issued a call for boycott against Israel and led the campaign to pressure the French mobile company Orange to cut all ties with Israel. The problem is that this organization gets funding from the French government through the French Development Agency (AFD). Is this how you fight radicalization?
Gaza flotillas, as we've previously learned, are a result of instructions coming from the Hamas regime, which has been recognized as a terror organization by the European Union. The Hamas charter openly calls for the annihilation of Jews. And not just Jews. Hamas television also airs propaganda that says: "We must kill the Jews, we must kill the Christians, we must kill the Communists - every last one of them."
To fight terrorism, you have to also fight the ideology behind it. And you also have to fight the Useful Idiots Brigade, who has turned into terrorism's propaganda wing. Except France is not fighting, it is funding. The NGO Monitor revealed the mechanism of transferring funds between the European Union and European countries to organizations that have turned into Hamas' propaganda wing. France is funding the France-Palestine Solidarity Association (Association France Palestine Solidarité), which graduated from anti-Israeli rhetoric to completely anti-Semitic rhetoric. This is not the way to promote peace and understanding among the nations. This is how you aid racist incitement. A young Muslim in France, who is exposed to incitement from such an organization, will be taught to hate Jews. Later on, he will support jihad, with the support of the French government.
Jihad has not limits. There is no difference between those who call for the murder of Jews, Christians and Communists in TV broadcasts in Gaza, to those who carry out this call on French soil. Those who answer this call in France are executing Hamas' call to the letter: They are murdering Christians and Jews.
It's definitely nice of the French president to repeatedly announce he is launching a fight against anti-Semitism. It is definitely noteworthy that France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls says that "We are in a war against terrorism and against jihad. We cannot lose this war because it is a war of civilizations." But all of this talk sounds ridiculous when the same France funds organizations that support - even indirectly - Hamas, which is a part of global jihad. France is led by a prime minister and a president who are determined to fight against terrorism and anti-Semitism. But all of this determinism is not worth much when France itself keeps funding those who support BDS, support the annihilation of Israel, and support Hamas. This is their responsibility. They must do something.
As I write these lines, I am finishing up two weeks of lectures, debates and meetings in Australia and New Zealand. It was fascinating. Many raised difficult questions. Many of these questions concerned the UN report on Protective Edge, which was released while I was there. I repeatedly explained that the images from Saja'iyya don't lie. There was destruction there, innocent civilians were hurt, and it's unfortunate that they were. Even the representatives of Breaking the Silence worldwide don't always lie. There is no war that does not include violations or crimes.
However, I noted, if the reports from Dresden or Tokyo, which were bombed by the British and the Americans, were presented in the same way the reports from Gaza are, the common observer would believe the Germans were the victims and that the British and the Americans were war criminals. This is what happens when you ignore the fact Hamas is openly preaching the destruction of the Jews. Like the Nazis. This is what happens when you ignore the fact Hamas is turning all of its efforts to armament and incitement, rather than prosperity. This is what happens when the international community offers Hamas "rehabilitation for demilitarization," and Hamas refuses. This is what happens when you ignore the fact the blockade is in place because of the rockets, and it's not the rockets that are launched because of the blockade.
The Australian, the most wide-spread national newspaper in Australia, printed an editorial following the UN report about Protective Edge. "You can't expect much from the Human Rights Council," was the opening sentence. The rest went on in the same vein: A condemnation of the council, and a defense of Israel. Three days before the editorial was printed, I met with the editors of the paper. They weren't hostile, they weren't sympathetic. They were attentive. More than that is not necessary. The fair editorial was mostly thanks to Israeli diplomats who work hard, day and night, to present a real picture of the situation. The anti-Israeli propagandists repeat the same lie a million times; we barely say the truth a hundred times. It's not enough. We need to work harder. The truth can come out on top.