
Scene of the attack. (Photo: Roi Yanovsky)

5 wounded in two attacks at Damascus Gate

Attacker killed in Old City after wounding police officers in second knife attack of the day in the same location; both assailants shot dead.

One 20-year-old elite police soldier was in serious conditon and another two (28, 30) were moderately wounded after a stabbing attack at Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem in the second incident at the entrance to the Old City Saturday.



Police said the seriously wounded man was apparently hit by friendly fire as security forces shot at the assailant.


The attacker was killed at the scene and the wounded policemen were evacuated for medical treatment at Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah Medical Center.


Public disturbances erupted near the site of the attack soon after.


Security forces at the scene of the attack.
Security forces at the scene of the attack.


The earlier morning attack at Damascus Gate lightly wounded two Israelis, a 62-year-old and a 65-year-old.


A 16-year-old Palestinian attacker was shot and killed by police at the scene.


16-year-old assailant with knife in the morning attack (Photo: Tzipi Malkov)
16-year-old assailant with knife in the morning attack (Photo: Tzipi Malkov)


Paramedics with Magen David Adom treated the wounded at the scene and transported the 62-year-old to Shaare Zedek Medical Center.



Clashes erupted at the scene shortly after the attack with Palestinians throwing rocks at police forces who responded with crowd control measures including stun grenades.


This is a developing story.


פרסום ראשון: 10.10.15, 10:33
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